I love the fall, not just for the autumn leaves, the smell of No. 2 lead pencils, and fall holidays, but for fall television. So many shows, so little time: 'Doctor Who,' 'The Walking Dead,' 'Arrow,' and 'American Horror Story.' The list goes on. Then there are all the new pilots this year: 'Sleepy Hollow,' 'Agents of Shield,' 'Almost Human,' and 'Dracula.' But my favorite show is still 'Supernatural,' the cult series with a small but dedicated fan base.
Similar to 'Breaking Bad,' 'Supernatural' creator Eric Kripke only intended 'Supernatural' to last five seasons. Yet somehow 'Supernatural' has outlasted more popular shows and is now in its ninth season. Few shows keep my interest after nine years. Even the 'X-Files' started to get stale after nine seasons. Some would say that 'Supernatural' is the 'X-Files' redeux. Or the 'X-Files' plus angels and demons, minus aliens. Both shows have extensive mythologies and include a dynamic duo battling vast conspiracies. The two shows even shared an executive producer, the late Kim Manners. It certainly doesn't hurt that the primary actors are easy on the eyes, but ultimately my favorite thing about 'Supernatural' is the perpetual battle between good and evil.
'Supernatural' returns Tuesday, October 8th.