Let there be no doubt that Fox Television hates science fiction and I hate Fox. I speculated last fall that only one of Fox's new science fiction/fantasy shows would
survive: '
Sleepy Hollow' or '
Almost Human.' I wasn't sure which one would make it, but I knew only one would. I call it the "Fox Thunderdome." Two shows walk in and only one comes out.
I originally thought 'Sleepy Hollow' was more likely to be chopped, namely because 'Almost Human' had some big names behind it--Karl Urban and J.J. Abrams. But 'Sleepy Hollow' proved to be quirky and creative, which earned it a fast fan base. The futuristic show 'Almost Human' started slow, but ended well with decent ratings. I'm especially confused because 'The Following' had similar ratings, but somehow managed a renewal. Needless to say, fans have been raging for the last few days. Of course a petition has been created. It would be delightful if the SyFy Channel picked up the show, but the likelihood of that is nil to null. SyFy is more interested in wrestling these days.
So alas, 'Almost Human' joins many science fiction shows that have debuted on Fox before it, including 'Terra Nova,' 'John Doe,' 'Space Above and Beyond,' 'The Sarah Connor Chronicles,' and most notably 'Firefly.' It's especially disheartening to know that Karl Urban will not return to television after this experience. Urban said he worked 17 hour days and spent six months away from his family. Oh Karl Urban. Oh Karl. Yes, I'm a fan girl.

The '
Supernatural' spinoff looks bad, really bad. I'm a big 'Supernatural' fan, so this saddens me to say. 'A Men of Letters' Spinoff would have been much more fun.

With the success of 'Orphan Black' it's no surprise that another clone series is coming to television, appropriately titled 'Clone.' The series is being produced by 'The Walking Deads' Robert Kirkman.
Halle Berry comes to SciFi on a new television show produced by Steven Spielberg, called 'Extant.' Check out the trailer.

Who needs an 'Adams Family' diorama, I do!

Chip reviews 13 movies this month.
Jeremy pays homage to Robert Plant.
French Toast Sunday posts their weekly film guide.
Katy reviews 'Mean Girls.'
David explains how 'The Lego Movie' should have ended.
Film Sketcher reveals an 'X-Men' storyboard
Alex pays tribute to Bob Hoskins
The Geek Twins reveal the funniest 'Star Trek' references in 'Futurama'
Brittani goes over the 7 thing that need to be in 'True Blood' season 7
Alex reaches the end of the A-Z Challenge
Fisti makes his May Oscar predictions