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This event kicked off with a feature for an author I had the good fortune to review ‘The Forever Girl’ for, last year: #BBF: WELCOME REBECCA HAMILTON, AUTHOR OF THE FOREVER GIRL SERIES. #YA #URBANFANTASY. Next up….
Today we have Sherry Soule here to explain her LOVE of all this New Adult literature, PLUS the following guest post from author, Peter Dawes!

The Fantasy Life
Guest Post By Peter Dawes
And suddenly, there was an explosion.
I remember that day clearly, because it was the day when the zombie hordes had finally found their way to my doorstep. Armed with nothing more than a shotgun and a box full of shells, I aimed my twelve-gauge straight for the door and waited… waited… waited. That familiar groaning got louder, a cacophonous chorale of death forming a long procession outside that would lead straight to my funeral if I wasn’t careful. All I could do is mutter one last protection spell under my breath and hope for the best.
Well, okay, that never really happened, of course. I’m still alive and in one piece and there’s been no zombie apocalypse, but scenes like the above are why I like being a speculative fiction author. While any genre can manage to capture suspense, there’s something to be said for that added layer which inserts the fantastic into an already tense situation. It makes you look for the unexpected. Maybe a fellow witch will arrive and cast hexes at the incoming horde, saving our protagonist. The snappy dialogue between them will let us know they’re friends and this isn’t the first time she’s saved his ass from peril. And as they make their daring escape, they’ll fall into the clutches of a werewolf, trying hard to survive in a post-apocalyptic world.

The possibilities, as they expression goes, are endless, and not limited to the confines of the normal world.
When my partner, JR Wesley, and I undertook the endeavor of forming a small press, we wanted to embrace that concept. Crimson Melodies has become a haven for speculative fiction, hosting my Vampire Flynn Series and expanding outward into a dark fantasy anthology and e-zine titled Bloodtide. We’ve both taken our passions for other realms, other creatures, and worlds hidden within ours and cultivated it, wanting to inspire others to dream of the layers tucked beneath the ordinary. There’s something about fantasy that simply speaks to us.
It speaks to me because our imaginations are what have driven us to strive further in our real lives. The world of Star Trek introduced ideas that continue to inspire scientists to push the boundaries. It speaks to me because something as simple as a story about vampires can be as complicated as a commentary on our inner darkness, our deepest taboos, and our secret desires. It exposes us and challenges us at the same time.
And, quite frankly, I’ve always found it fun to get lost in another world for a while. Growing up, the realm of another person’s imagination became a safe haven for me and as such, I’ve tried to provide the same thing for other readers. The stories we write, as speculative fiction authors, can be very deeply rooted in reality, or can be the proverbial wardrobe, leading us into Narnia. But either way, each story guarantees the journey toward the end will be anything but mundane.
Author Bio
Peter Dawes is the author of The Vampire Flynn Series, published by the micro-press Crimson Melodies. His serial story, “A Maker and His Child” appears on the BloodTideZine website and short “Lost Highway” has been featured in the Nocturnal Embers anthology, also by Crimson Melodies. While primarily a novelist, he has also written stories for the anthology Red Phone Box, featuring the work of fellow authors Warren Ellis, Dan Wickline, and more. Always working on something new, Peter leaves it up to the reader to decide if it’s by sunlight or candlelight.
The third book of The Vampire Flynn Series – Fate of the Seer – will be released late this August, through Crimson Melodies Publishing. Peter is also currently working on a medieval fantasy novel, The Unquiet Dead, which will be released sometime in early 2014.
You can find Peter on Twitter, Facebook, or at his blog, The Man Behind the Curtain.
Thanks Peter!
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