Book Review: JAT 365 by James Arnold Taylor

book reviews, suvudu


The internet and social media is full of snark and often humor that borders on mean-spirited. One person that stands in stark contrast to that typical pattern is voice actor James Arnold Taylor. I started following James Arnold Taylor (JAT) on social media because of his role as Obi-Wan Kenobi on Star Wars: The Clone Wars. While I followed him for his ties to Star Wars, it was a revelation to discover just how positive a force (no pun intended) he is on social media. Any number of times I can honestly recall that having a particularly tough day, I have seen one of James’ relentlessly positive posts and it has helped me turn my attitude around for that day.

In JAT 365, James has collected some of these comments he has made over social media as well as some new ones in a list of 365 daily inspirational quotes. The pages are numbered “Day 1″ through “Day 365″ so no matter when you pick the book up, you can jump right in and follow it for an entire year.


On each page in addition to each quote are a section that includes “Accept, Forward, and Practice,” and a section to write down your comments on the daily thought. He recommends that you follow the Accept, Forward, Practice model for each day. You check off “Accept” after you have read the comment, accepted it and committed to put it into action in your life. You check off “Forward” when you shared that daily thought with someone else. You check off “Practice”  when you have put that thought into action and have developed a plan to use it regularly in your life.

The introduction to the book explains how he recommends you use the book and encourages you to reach for your dreams.

The beauty of this book is that what you have to read each day takes mere seconds. How much time you choose to spend thinking about and accepting each passage is up to you, but the initial commitment on the part of the reader is minimal.  What you ultimately get out of the book will depend on how much you put into it. James may help get your day started and get you pointed in the right direction with his inspirational thoughts, but it is up to you to choose how you will live each day. As Obi-Wan’s master Qui-Gon Jinn would say, “your focus determines your reality.”

I plan on using this book this year with my wife and I am going to use post it notes in the comment section so that when we are done with it we can share this book with friends or family. I can very happily endorse this book as a small investment in yourself and your family that could pay big dividends down the road.

For more on JAT 365 which is a self-published book, visit James Arnold Taylor can be found on Twitter (@JATactor) and on Facebook at

If you are an Amazon Prime member the book is on sale at and you still have time to order it before Christmas. You can also purchase the book from James’ on-line store and get 2 for $20 currently but they probably wouldn’t arrive until after the holidays.