
I don't necessarily agree with this Louis Peiztman's list on BuzzFeed, but I admire his tenacity. It takes a lot of time, effort, and hardcore "fanage" to rank all 144 episodes of 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer.' So to that sir I salute you. Seriously there were like seven seasons on two different networks. I have to give props where props are due.

Peiztman's favorite episode is 'Becoming' Part 1 and 2. I guess this is where reasonable people can disagree. We are all going to have different favorites. Unfortunately some of my favorites were at the bottom of his list, but moving on... I do acknowledge that watching Buffy stab Angelus (Angel without a soul), push him into a hellmouth, while he receives his soul back and becomes puppy-dog eyed Angel again was good television, especially in the late 90s.

However, my favorite episode is the more upbeat, 'Fool for Love.' You can see a great review of my favorite episode here. And lest we forget the main ingredient of this episode was the incredible James Marsters as Spike. In this episode Spike challenges Buffy by telling her that she enjoys killing...just...a...little...too...much. Oh and before Spike became Billy Idol's vampiric twin, he was a sweet-natured, brown-haired, dowdy poet.

So what's your favorite Buffy episode? See where your favorite ep ranks. Check out Peiztman's list here