Unlike last year’s panel which took place in this popular Hall H and featured the whole cast (include Jim Parsons via webcam in NY) this year’s The Big Bang Theory Comic Con panel was very toned down. The panel was made up of the show’s writing team Steve Molaro (executive producer and showrunner), Bill Prady (co-creator and executive producer), Dave Goetsch (co-EP), Eric Kaplan (co-EP), Jim Reynolds (co-EP), Steve Holland (co-EP), Maria Ferrari (co-EP), and David Saltzberg (science adviser) with moderator Melissa Rauch aka Bernadette.
The panel screened footage that included a highlight reel of last season and a special message from Stephen Hawking who explained the show via the lyrics to the opening theme song. So what if any scoop or spoilers for the upcoming season did fans get out of the panel. Not a whole lot.
Production on the upcoming season doesn’t start for a few more weeks and even though the panel was made up of the shows writers and a surprise appearance Johnny Galecki who went undercover in a wearing a circa-Return of the Jedi Princess Leia costume only a few tidbits of information was squeezed out. For starters don’t expect to be seeing the infamous Mrs. Wolowitz anytime soon, she will for now remain just a voice.
Other fan questions included if Sheldon (Jim Parsons) and Amy (Mayim Bialik) would ever go further in their sexual relationship besides the hilarious RPG they played towards the end of last season, Jim Reynolds added, “Part of its charm is that it moves at a glacial pace. That way, the show can go on a lot longer! I mean, a lot of us have kids who need to go to college.” A charming little boy -Jonah- who attended the Big Bang Theory panel as his Make-A-Wish request asked a pretty valid question, will BBT ever shoot an episode at SDCC. While the show does reference the geek-fest at least once a season they do face a few challenges with shooting from SDCC; one is that the cast is still on hiatus in July since production doesn’t start till August every year and two BBT is filmed 100% on a sound stage or as Show creator Chuck Lorre likes to say “We’re an indoor cat”, however they haven’t completely ruled it out.
You can see the Comic Con 2013 footage below and tune into CBS when The Big Bang Theory returns on Thursday, September 26 at 8pm ET.