There are so many ways to enjoy Star Wars! One of my favorites has been through reading. Here are some mini-reviews of some of my favorite EU reads :
Dark Horse comics is the place to be for fans looking for continuing adventures of our favorite characters and some wonderful new additions to the galaxy. The best thing about Dark Horse is that all of their books are available in digital format which makes them less expensive and easily to store. Here are some of my favorites :
The Star Wars Omnibus collect comic stories from a variety of sources. The initial volumes reprint the entire run of the comics from Marvel including the movie adaptations. Later volumes reprint stories from many sources including comics from England. I’m working my way through these volumes as digital editions on my nook and I’m really loving them!
I read many of these stories as a kid and its been wonderful rediscovering them and reading new stories as well. These stories really stand up after twenty plus years, especially when you consider the writers didn't really know what direction the movies would take.
Ongoing Monthly Comics
Two different time periods yet both series are amazing and add a lot to the Star wars Universe. In Legacy fans get a look at the distant future and a look at a descendant from the Solo family! I love this series! I count the days between issues! A wonderful female lead and amazing action. I’m hoping this series goes on for a long time.
Set after the events in Star Wars, the simply titled Star Wars comic allows readers to see more of the adventures of the classic crew as they search for a safer base after the attack on Yavin and try to flush out an Imperial spy. I love what the creators have done with this book! Especially with Leia. I would love a lot more of Han in the series but Wood and company are doing a great job of balancing the characters and their storylines.

Graphic Novel
Cross. Agent Cross. The creators of this story came up with the brilliant idea of showing a day in the life of an Imperial Agent. Jacen Cross is loyal to his Empire and one of the best Imperial spy on the payroll. In his adventures he foils double agents, Greedy Moff’s and tracks down Rebels and sympathizers to the Rebel cause. He does it all with style and flare and also manages to break a few hearts :) I’m loving these mini-series. Above is the cover to volume two of the series.
The wonderful thing about the Star Wars Novels is that you can dip into several time periods. Path of Destruction is the first in a trilogy of books that show the rise of the Sith Master Darth Bane. Drew does a wonderful job of revealing the Sith Universe to readers and gives us a villain that is quite relatable and not just a black & white villain.
Death Star profiles the lives of a group of characters from all across the galaxy that come to work on the largest project in the galaxy. From doctors to tap cafe managers, gunners to tie-fighter pilots, its a fascinating look at the manpower and ingenuity that created the Empire’s largest threat to freedom.
Since dipping into the Old Republic novels I was interested in the characters, life forms and planets involved in the novels and the video games. When I found this book for ten dollars at Barnes & Noble I knew I had to have it! This book is so thorough! Its a great resource when I’m reading about different aliens its great to flip to a page and see them illustrated with info about their backgrounds. Plus it looks great on a coffee table :)
Sticker Books
Lego and Star Wars are a beautiful Partnership. One of my favorite things are their sticker books. They are so much fun to put on post-its and notebooks and even on the edge of my computer. These books come with tons of stickers and many of them are reusable. This book combines stickers from all of the movies and all of the favorite characters from the series and spaceships.
Hope you check some of these great books out!