For the past week, founder of FANgirl Blog and contributor for Suvudu and Star Wars Insider, Tricia Barr, has been counting down on her Twitter, and I’ve been keeping my eye out for a big fangirl reveal.
3 days and counting. Things go BOOM! This is what happens when Ewoks get in the cockpit.
Tricia Barr (@fangirlcantina) November 09, 2013
My excitement shot through the roof when I discovered that Tricia and staff writer and contributor at Jedi News, Teresa Delgado, will be hosting a new podcast presented by RebelForce Radio. It’s always a wonderful thing to hear the female perspective on matters about Star Wars and other issues related to being a fangirl.
In this first episode of Fangirls Going Rogue, Tricia and Teresa break the show down into segments, starting off with:
- Introductions: Both ladies introduce who they are as fangirls, how they got into the fandom, and some of the aspects they value as being women in the Star Wars fan community.
- Women of Star Wars: In this segment, Tricia and Teresa discuss the important women of Star Wars, and in this episode, they talk about Princess Leia Organa.
- Fandom in the real world: The focus shifts to current issues and the two discuss a great article that deals with fan service vs. fan engagement.
- Interview: This segment will include interviews of fellow fangirls and prominent women in the community. For the first episode, Tricia and Teresa speak with a real life fangirl and the identity of said fangirl will remain undisclosed in this post, since I’d like for you to listen and find out!
- What are you excited for? The podcast continues with a conversation about things that are currently happening or developing with Star Wars that they are the most excited about as fangirls.
- In-depth character discussion: Each episode will focus on a different character and this premiere episode looks into our favorite bounty hunter, Boba Fett.
For more about Fangirl Gone Rogue, check out the following:
Home: Shotglass Digital
Facebook: Fangirls Going Rogue
Twitter: @FGGoingRogue, @fangirlcantina (Tricia), @icecoldpenguin (Teresa)
Tumblr: fangirlsgoingrogue.tumblr.comEmail: fangirlsgoingrogue(at)gmail(d0t)com
For the first episode, listen here. Also, be sure to visit RebelForce Radio on iTunes and leave a positive review about RFR and Fangirls Going Rogue!