Untold by Sarah Rees Brennan
It’s time to choose sides. . . .
In this second book in the Lynburn Legacy, the sorcerous roots of Sorry-in-the-Vale have been exposed. No one in the town is safe, and a decision must be made: pay the sorcerers’ blood sacrifice, or fight. Will the townspeople (magical and not) become “owned” by the sorcerers who believe it is their right to rule? If Kami Glass has anything to say about it, evil will not win. Despite having given up her own piece of magic, she is determined to do everything she can to make a difference. And whether they want to or not, her circle of friends (and potential boyfriends) will not be able to help but go along with her unusual tactics.
Kami and Jared have broken their magical connection, and awkwardness ensues as neither know about their true feelings for each other. Ash adds to the strain as their lopsided love triangle continues. And Rusty is just my favorite character by far. Kami and her friends have amazing personalities that the author has created and developed. I enjoy reading their personal interactions and drama just as much as getting into the meat of the story.
Untold is a tension-filled, exciting build-up as magicians in Sorry-in-the-Vale must choose sides. Once again, this fantasy has plenty of humor, suspense, secrets, magic, and romance. There are several surprises along the way, concluding with a major cliffhanger that will leave readers impatient for the next in this emotional roller coaster ride of a fantasy series.