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“It’s tempting to see your enemy as evil, but there’s good and evil on every side in every war ever fought.” 

Spoilers and facts:

>Joffrey Baratheon (nee Lannister) getting poisoned ushers in a fan wish to end that tyranny!

> Littlefinger smuggling Sansa Stark out of King’s Landing

>Stannis fighting the Wildlings

>A rival of the “Red Wedding” is the “Purple Wedding”

>Daenarys Targaryan is not purely goodness and bad-assery.

Game of Thrones Season 4 premieres April 6 at 9PM, only on HBO.

Filed under: Celebrity, Entertainment, Events, Literature, Movies / Series, New Update, News, Politics Tagged: daenerys, game of thrones, HBO, joffrey, khaleesi, lannister, stannis