Friday the 13th: The Series (Robey, Chris Wiggins, Steve Monarque)

Why are people superstitious of Friday the 13th? Shouldn't it be just another day? After all, doesn't everyone love Friday? I know I do. I can understand why people don't like the number 13. After all, 13 doesn't feel as complete as 12. We have 12 months in the year, there were 12 Apostles of Jesus, 12 tribes of Israel, 12 hours of the clock, 12 gods of Olympus, 12 signs of the Zodiac, etc. Thirteen just feels unlucky. I suppose that's the reason some hotels refuse to have a 13th floor, which was also a good movie by the way. But what's up with Friday? Why is Friday so unlucky?

John LeMay, Chris Wiggins, Robey

I don't know the answer to this and many other questions, but in honor of 'Friday the 13th,' here is a post about my favorite television series as a child, 'Friday the 13th: The Series.' It was originally titled 'The 13th Hour.' For reasons unknown, the producers decided against using that rather cool name, and went with the 'Friday the 13th' moniker. I suppose they were trying to capitalize on the 'The Friday the 13th' film franchise, even though the series had absolutely nothing to do with Jason Voorhees. The show lasted a mere three years from 1987 to 1990, but in my opinion it was the predecessor for more successful shows like 'X-Files,' 'Supernatural,' 'Grimm,' and 'Warehouse 13.'

Watching through modern goggles, the show feels dated and a bit Scooby-Dooish, but for its time it pushed the envelope of broadcast television. The concept was simple, but effective: Cousins Mickey Foster (Robey) and Ryan Dallion (John Lemay) were tasked to track down cursed objects sold by their evil uncle. Most of the episodes were stand alone episodes that revolved around people using these objects for revenge or personal gain. The purveyor of the object typically had to kill or hurt people in order to keep "good" times rolling. The cursed objects were indestructible so the cousins and their trusty mentor, Jack Marshak (Chris Wiggins) and later in the series Johnny Ventura (Steve Monarque), had to lock the objects in their creepy vault underneath their store aptly named "Curious Goods." Check out this timey wimey website dedicated to the 80s-rific series. The show is also a who's who in television. You will see a lot of familiar faces, like an eight year old Sarah Polley. See the first episode below.