Horror Review: Her Vampyrrhic Heart by Simon Clark

book review, horror, simon clark, suvudu, vampires


For a book that started so very slow, Her Vampyrrhic Heart turned out to be a decent read. It never quite seemed to make up its mind as to whether it was a love story or a straight-up horror story, but I think Simon Clark managed both elements quite well, despite a too-happy ending that just didn't seem to fit the tale.

Five years ago, Tom lost his beautiful bride to a powerful, ancient curse of vampirism. The young lovers were warned about it, but chose to follow their hearts over the fears of Nicola's family. Since then, Tom has been living alone in the woods, waiting patiently for his bride to return. He's not the only one waiting, however, and she's not the only one destined to make a return.

Clark's take on vampires here is a new one for me, part mythological fable and part urban fantasy, but I liked it . . . what little of it we actually got to see. This book is much more about Tom than I expected, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. A little mystery and suspense are necessary to keep such a story moving - and, for the most part, it does just that. The pacing is a bit uneven, but once you get past the slow start, it's a quick chase to the end.

While Her Vampyrrhic Heart won't be making a late entry in my 2013 best of list, it was an enjoyable enough story to while away an evening or two over the holidays.

Hardcover, 240 pages
Expected publication: January 1st 2014 by Severn House Publishers

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