I’ve been reviewing a lot of the other big Hugo categories recently, and now it’s finally time for the nominees for best novel. It’s a nice varied group, including a fantasy adventure from a debut novelist, a nostalgia/homage humor piece, two space operas and a post apocalyptic thriller. An author who wins this award will forever be known as “So and so, author of the Hugo award winning Such and Such! let’s give them a big round of applause!” Future printings of their novel will forever say “Hugo Award Winner”.
yeah, it’s sort of a big deal. You can learn more about the Hugo awards here.
This years nominees for Best Novel are:
The links above go to the novels I reviewed earlier this year, and I’ve got a review for Captain Vorpatril’s Alliance going up in a couple days, hopefully shortly followed by a review of Blackout by Mira Grant. My voting will remain secret, but if you read the reviews carefully I’ll bet you can figure out what I liked the best.
In the meantime, which of these novels have you read? What did you think of them?
Filed under: Hugo Awards Tagged: books, Hugo Awards