Genre Images and News
Blastr featured the trailer for a documentary about the Dune that never was.
“Back in the mid-'70s, famously eccentric cult filmmaker Alejandro Jodorowsky (El Topo) attempted to mount an incredibly ambitious version of Herbert's novel, which was thought by many to be unfilmable. But that didn't stop Jodorowsky, who brought legendary artists like H.R. Giger and Jean Moebius Giraud on board to design the creatures and sets while casting actors such as David Carradine, Orson Welles and Mick Jagger in key roles.
“Alas, Jodorowsky's vision simply proved too big and expensive, and the project fell apart before filming started.
“… filmmaker named Frank Pavich has created a documentary called Jodorowsky's Dune that recounts the history of the project…”
Blastr also proposed science fiction locations that would make great Winter Olympic venues, including the worlds of Narnia, Frozen, Empire’s Hoth, and Dr. Who’s Christmas town.

“Jotunheim from Thor: Sure, the locals might not be all that welcoming, but the extreme conditions and terrain would make for even greater competition. And as for those Frost Beasts...well, that just makes cross country skiing more interesting.”
And found a couple really cool posters for upcoming theatrical releases:
Ninja News
The A to Z Co-hosts have a special tribute for one of own (Jeremy Hawkins, who broke his ankle a week ago) at the A to Z Blog today – please stop by to read it.
The epic battle continues at Father Dragon’s between me and Lord Baldernot, Mark Koopmans! Prepare for - The Lord of the Clones - The Challenge Part 2
M Pax revealed the cover for her next Backworlds book, Worlds on Edge.
Milo James Fowler is part of an upcoming anthology due out in 2015, Wastelands 2. And he is sharing the limelight with such authors as George R.R. Martin and Hugh Howey! His contribution is a story called "Soulless in His Sight."
Available now – King Sized Beds and Happy Trails, Book One in the Beds Series, written by authors Cassie Mae and Theresa Paolo under the pen names Becca Ann and Tessa Marie.
Tyrean Martinson celebrated the one year anniversary of her book, Champion in the Darkness, with the release of Light Reflections. It’s a collage of everyday poetry, reflecting on life moments and you can purchase it HERE
Nigel Mitchell r eleased Call Center of Doom, which is an expansion of his 100-word fiction story, Cold Call.
Toi Thomas’ new book, Eternal Curse: Giovanni’s Angel, was released.
Last Monday the ladies of #TeamDamyanti, Anna Tan, Csenge Zalka, Guilie, Samantha Geary Jones, and Vidya Sury, *with technical support from Jemima Pett and Mary Wallace* kicked off the A to Z Theme Reveal Blogfest following the unofficial tradition Mina Lobo started last year for the A to Z Challenge. Though having a theme is absolutely optional, many A to Z bloggers do follow themes -- and if you're one of the AZers with a theme, go sign up for this blogfest HERE and be ready to reveal your theme to the world on March 21st, 2014. It'll be a bunch of fun with 77 bloggers already signed up.
Patricia Stoltey announced that Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers now has a Google+ community for members and non-members. Request to join HERE

West of Paradise by Marcy Hatch c omes out March 14 – and here’s the cover!
Recently I featured Beyond the Binding, and it’s now available on Amazon and Smashwords.
Donna L. Martin is offering free author promotion at her booth at the Children's Festival of Reading in Knoxville, TN this May. It’s the biggest book event in the southeast with over 15,000 people attending. She will be handing out bookmarks and autographed books from other authors – contact her for details. View the festival’s press release HERE
Movie Trivia
Three actors/actresses – name the movie:
1 - Robert De Niro, Val Kilmer, Al Pacino – 1995
2 - Morgan Freeman, Bruce Willis, Karl Urban – 2010
3 - Joe Pantoloano, Carrie-Anne Moss, Guy Pearce – 2000
4 - Bonnie Bedelia, William Sadler, Bruce Willis = 1990
5 - James McAvoy, Liam Neeson, Tilda Swinton – 2005
Answers on Wednesday!
What do you think of the Dune that never was? Any other fictional locations for the Olympics? Excited about all the new releases? Signed up for the A to Z Challenge Reveal? (Wait until you see mine – once again, it’s complicated.) Taking advantage of Donna’s offer to promote other’s books? And do you know any of the trivia…?
Thanks again to everyone who helped with CassaFire’s rise to the top of Amazon during the promotion – you guys rock!