Here’s this week’s roundup of Kenobi trivia by author John Jackson Miller as he counts down to release day. Remember, you can follow along by checking out the Twitter hashtag #KenobiCountdown and following John on Twitter.
23) Common theme to Kenobi & my KOTOR & Knight Errant series: What does it mean to be a Jedi alone?
22) I shelved work on the Kenobi story in ’07 when I was hired to adapt Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull for comics.
21) Kenobi spent 5 years percolating before I suggested a prose version at Star Wars Celebration VI.
20) Glamorous Life Dept: Pitched the novel while sitting on a hallway floor. Orlando Convention Center needs meeting areas!
19) Writing Tuskens: crazy fun. Even our group’s mythology was macabre. (Neat Roqoo Depot gallery)
18) “Outlander” from Dark Horse Comics provided helpful background on Tusken culture. Reprinted here.
17) The Del Rey Books Krayt Dragon Call is a version of an item in the novel.
If you haven’t pre-ordered Kenobi already, you can head on over to the Random House product page for links to the hardcover, digital and audiobook versions from various retailers. Kenobi will hit stores August 27th. You can also check out week one of John’s Kenobi trivia right here.
Posted By: Skuldren for Roqoo Depot.