I just picked up this really rare vintage, Japanese set of Sailor Moon plush charms from 1994, as a little gift to myself.
I love how the scouts are all wearing their school uniforms and sitting on little microcosms of themselves!!!!! Ami is studying with Luna, Rei is cleaning up at the temple, Lita is eating, and Mina and Artemis are sitting around on a flower like the stars that they are! TOTALLY NORMAL.

I love plush art, and I take really good care of my collection. I put them in little cases, so they don’t get dusty or all mashed out of proportion. I’m also really, really picky about the pieces I add to my collection, but when I saw these, I knew immediately that I had to have them. My collection is actually limited to Japanese plush art as well, I have a few Takashi Murakami's - the Black Dokuro and a couple UFO Flower Blossoms, a Mori Chack Zombie Gloomy Bear (which I named Jesus and actually take really poor care of, because I sleep with it every night) and a UFO Gloomy Bear Ghost, a Sanrio x Street Fighter Chun Li Hello Kitty, and a Tokidoki Unicorno (which is technically Italian, but exists in the same genre of Japanese pop art). When I get display cases for my new pieces, I’ll have to post some pictures of my collection.
Plush art is one of MANY ridiculous things I collect. I also love vintage designer luggage, clear glass vessels and autographed memorabilia (but I have to get the autograph myself, with the exception of the Red Sonja poster autographed by Rose McGowan - I found that in a thrift store for $7 and the movie was never made, AND the signed posters were limited to Comic-con panel guests, so it’s like a special, found uber-art exception).
Do you collect anything fun?