Big Marvel News!
NetFlix and Marvel team up! From Deadline Hollywood - Diseny signed a deal with NetFlix, committing them to at least four 13-series episodes and a miniseries, The Defenders. The superheroes featured will be Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Iron Fist, and Luke Cage. These series will all be Watch Nows on NetFlix. They are calling this an “unprecedented deal.” I’m calling it awesome beyond belief!
And at last – it’s THE November movie event!
Thor: The Dark World releases in the USA today.
And I am very stoked…
Review on Monday!
Today’s post marks two milestones:
It’s my seven hundredth post.
I’ve been blogging now for four years. (Technically, my first post was November 9, 2009.)
Did I ever imagine where I am now? Not a chance! Three books, the IWSG, thousands of followers, so many good friends… I didn’t see any of it coming. All I knew was I had to get my butt online to promote my debut novel. Nothing could’ve prepared me for this awesome journey. I couldn’t have done it alone. Thank you everyone for sharing the journey with me. You have been one of the greatest blessings in my life.
Thanks to all of the IWSG participants for another amazing post day! Thanks to those who’ve responded to Wednesday’s post at the website.
And thank you for your encouragement - I will probably cut back some and start writing soon. I just don't want to let anyone down.
Missouri publisher Rocking Horse Publishing has just come out with Spirits of St. Louis, an anthology of ghost stories set in Missouri. It includes Sean McLachlan’s story "After the Raid," an offshoot of his Civil War horror novel, A Fine Likeness. Congratulations, Sean!
Kyra Lennon just released A Very Game On Christmas. Congratulations, Kyra!
Cathy Olliffe-Webster, the mad genius behind Green Eggs and Weezie, just released a collection of short stories called Friday Girls. And for the next five days, it’s free on Amazon. Congratulations, Cathy!
Cover Reveal –
Playing Pretend by Juliana Haygert
NA Contemporary Romance
Release date: March 2014
As the Governor’s daughter, Charlotte McClain is an expert in playing pretend…
Add to Goodreads HERE
Novel Trivia!
Science fiction books this time – name the author:
1 – The Martian Chronicles 1950
2 – Dragonflight 1968
3 – Rendezvous with Rama 1972
4 – Out of the Silent Planet 1943
5 – The Puppet Masters 1951
How I Miss You Blogfest!

Hosted by Andrew Leon, Alex J. Cavanaugh, and Matthew MacNish.
The bloggers you miss and the ones you would miss.
List one to three bloggers you really miss.
List one to three bloggers you would really miss if they stopped blogging.
And then go let them know!
The bloggers I really miss…
Sadly, this could be a really long list. Melissa, Chuck, Cindy… So many of my blogger buddies have stopped blogging, either permanently or they only appear now and then. I look back four years and so many of my friends are gone. I could only pick three though…
Nancy Thompson
I was honored to supply a blurb for her book, The Mistaken, and just as grateful she gave me one for CassaStorm. We share many things in common (as we’re the same age) and she’s like the sister I never had. I’d hang with her in real life! Nancy is busy with her editing work and I really miss her online. I still want to read her next book, even though I know she’ll only torment poor Ty.
Father Dragon Al
I met Al a year ago on the recommendation of a friend, and I’ve never regretted it. Al possesses such a wise and generous spirit. Who knew dragons with dwarves were compatible with Ninjas with clones? Through our many email exchanges, I’ve come to know this gentle dragon. I see so much potential in his passionate heart. Al is currently pursuing a dream, which I completely support, so I’ll not begrudge the now infrequent postings from the dragon cave. I still miss those glimpses into his dragon heart though. Hopefully he stays with us.
Rusty Webb
He’s one of my best blogger buddies and good friend for the past three years. Rusty is an amazing writer and the most awesome critique partner. Rusty deserves a lot of the credit for the success of CassaFire and CassaStorm. We share the same passion for guitars and writing, although Rusty is light years ahead of me on both accounts. He has a wicked sense of humor, and while he’s participating in NaNo right now, I hope he returns to his blog in December. Miss you, dude!
Special mention – my co-host, Matthew
We’re only to mention three, but I have to make a special mention of my fellow blogfest and A to Z co-host. He was one of my first followers and a good friend for so many years. I miss your regular posts, man!
And those I would miss if they were gone…
Again, that would be most of you! It was really tough to narrow it down to just three….
Jeremy Hawkins
The person I would miss the most is my very best blogger buddy. We’ve followed each other for so long that I can’t recall a time when Jeremy wasn’t there. No one is more dedicated or more giving. He’d do anything in the world for his friends. Dude, I will always have your back. Should anyone ever speak ill of you, they would experience the wrath of the Ninja. We talk often through emails, but should your blog posts cease, it would feel very hollow and empty online…
Arlee Bird
Lee, you are the man. Back when I had about twenty followers, you followed me. And enticed me on a quest that would become the first A to Z Challenge. You taught me about consistency, blogfests, and friendship. You are stability, even as you throw out your ‘controversial’ topics. We see the world in a similar fashion, although you have developed more patience than I. Where I am now would not be possible if you were not a friend, and I thank you. If you stopped posting, who on earth would I visit first in the morning?
Tina Downey
My fellow A to Z co-host is a delight in more ways than she can imagine. You guys don’t get to see the exchanges between the co-hosts, but if it’s coming from Tina, I know I will get a kick out of her message every time. Despite the physical restrictions and challenges she endures, Tina is a very open and free spirit. She is the vibrant breeze on the trees, shaking the limbs and energizing the air. I never know what to expect when she posts, and that’s half the fun. Tina, you are a special lady, and I’m honored to call you my friend.
Who do you miss...?
Excited for Thor? Can you believe I’ve been blogging for four years? Excited about the new releases? Know the authors? And who do you miss or would miss…?