Blade Runner - John Conway
Simply put, this is a list of my favorite science fiction films (the top 50). Movies which are a part of a series/trilogy, like Star Wars are listed all together. (I know. I cheated again.) I have also left out animated films and films I felt fit better in other genres (like horror or comic-book hero), but I will likely do separate lists of these in later posts. The “KH” mark indicates a movie I worked on. If something is missing it’s probably because I haven’t seen it, I didn’t like it, or I didn’t remember it. If you want to know more about these films, I suggest you check out the Internet Movie Database. The order may not be exact, it’s hard to choose amongst one’s favorites, but here it is:
My Favorites
- Blade Runner [1982]
- Alien & Aliens [1979 & 1986] (though these are arguably more horror than sci-fi)(The others in this series are omitted on purpose.)
- The Matrix [1999, 2003, 2003]
- Star Wars [1974, 1980, 1983] (I do not wish to discuss episodes I, II, and III)
- I Robot [2004]
- I Am Legend [2007]
- Inception [2010]
- Super 8 [2011]
- Avatar [2009KH]
- Star Trek [1979*, 1982*****, 1984***, 1986****, 1989**, 1991****, 1994***, 1996****, 1998**, 2002***, 2009KH******] (*rating compares Star Trek films only)
- Galaxy Quest [1999]
- The Terminator [1984, 1991, 2003KH, 2009]
- Minority Report [2002]
- John Carter of Mars [2012]
- Cowboys and Aliens [2011]
- Battle: Los Angeles [2011]
- Stargate [1994]
- Knowing [2009]
- The Time Travelor’s Wife [2009] (might not be considered sci-fi by some)
- 12 Monkeys [1995]
- A.I. Artificial Intelligence [2001KH]
- Independence Day [1996]
- Pandorum [2009]
- Children of Men [2006]
- Signs [2002]
- District 9 [2009]
- The Fifth Element [1997]
- Men in Black [1997, 2002]
- 2012 [2009]
- City of Ember [2008]
- Dune [1984 & 2002]
- The Thing [1982, 2011]
- War of the Worlds [1953, 2005KH]
- The Island [2005]
- Predator [1987]
- Star Ship Troopers [1997] (Only the first movie)
- Event Horizon [1997] (like Alien, arguably a horror flick, but sci-fi through most of it)
- 2001: A Space Odyssey & 2010 [1968 & 1984] (2010 better, but see 2001 first)
- The Time Machine [1960, 2002KH]
- Total Recall [1990]
- Dark City [1998]
- Pitch Black [2000]
- Outland [1981]
- The Day the Earth Stood Still [1951 & 2008]
- Equilibrium [2002]
- Monsters [2010]
- Enemy Mine [1985]
- Zathura: A Space Adventure [2005KH]
- Jurassic Park [1993, 1997KH, 2001KH] (the second movie not so much)
- Explorers [1985]
Honorable Mention
- Red Planet [2000]
- Surrogates [2009]
- Back to the Future [1985, 1989, 1990]
- Forbidden Planet [1956]
- The Abyss [1989]
- Paycheck [2003]
- Starman [1984]
- Armageddon [1998] & Deep Impact [1998] (the same but different
- Mad Max [1979, 1981, 1985]
- 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea [1954]
- The Hitchhicker’s Guide to the Galaxy [2005]
- V for Vendetta [2005]
- Contact [1997]
- Flight of the Navigator [1986]
- Brazil [1985]
- Close Encounters of the Third Kind [1977]
- E.T. [1982]
- Skyline [2010]
- Alien Nation [1988]
- Lost in Space [1998]
- The Core [2003]
- The Final Cut [2004]
- Deja Vu [2006]
- Eagle Eye [2008]
- The Forgotten [2004]
- 6th Day [2000]
- Timecrimes [2007]
- Altered States [1980]
- I Am Number Four [2011]
- Dreamcatcher [2003]
- The Fly [1958 & 1986]
- Soldier [1998]
- Imposter [2001]
- War Games [1983]
- Firestarter [1984]
- Logan’s Run [1976]
- The Andromeda Strain [1971]
- The Last Starfighter [1984]
- Soylent Green [1973]
- Planet of the Apes [1968, 1970, 1972, 1973, 2001]
- Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure [1989, 1991]
- Fire in the Sky [1993]
- Dreamscape [1984]
- Inner Space [1987]
- Running Man [1987]
- Serenity [2005]
- Twilight Zone: The Movie [1983]
- The Philadelphia Experiement [1984]
- The Final Countdown [1980]
- Krull [1983]
- The Ice Pirates [1984]
- Master of the World [1961] (Vincent Price)
- Wedlock [1991]
- Johnny Mnemonic [1995]
- AVP: Alien vs. Predator [2004]
- Babylon A.D. [2008]
- Robocop [1987]
- Spaceballs [1987]
- The Island of Doctor Moreau [1977, 1996]
- Fantastic Voyage [1966]
- Ghosts of Mars [2001]
- Mars Attacks [1996] (Almost didn’t make list, but has some value to sci-fi enthusiasts.)
- Barbarella [1968] (Simply because Jane Fonda should never forget she made this film.)
Please give me your thoughts about what movies I may have missed or, in your opinion, should have added (or subtracted). I look forward to your input, which will undoubtedly remind me of 50 more films I wish I had included. 
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