The new 'Godzilla' poster looks awesome. Almost as awesome as the Japanese trailer for it. Of course the Japanese trailer would be even better than the one I posted a few days ago. This trailer is a little different as it features the incredible
Ken Watabe ('Batman' and 'Inception'). This man is so cool.
Speaking of incredible dinosaurs, the '
Jurassic Park' reboot is in full swing. The new director,
Colin Trevorrow is
dishing on potential sequels to the reboot. Whoa there just a lil bit, don't get ahead of yourself partner. Let's get through the reboot first. Also here's your first look at
Bryce Dallas Howard from the set. 'Jurassic Park World' will hit theaters in July 2015.
I saw this on
Slash Film. I seriously hope that my husband doesn't see this blog post because I want to get this for him as a birthday gift. I mean this literally. It's a little pricey at $434, but wouldn't this be a perfect paper weight for guy's office? The mecha model is of coursed based on the original '
RoboCop' movie from the 1980s. See
Sideshow Collectibles for more details.
I watch '
Falling Skies' every summer, but it's a filler show for me. It's just above the realm of "OK." Here's a trailer for the new season. I like the mecha aspect of the show, but for the most part the show for me is "meh." On a positive note, it looks like
Moon Bloodgold is getting a more active role this year. Last year she was on maternity leave, which limited her character arch somewhat, despite her character also being pregnant.
Speaking of babies. I love cosplay, but I think my favorite cosplay has to be baby cosplay. Some people say it's a shameless display for attention, but I don't care. Baby Cosplay is perhaps the cutest thing ever. Oh my goodness. They are so cute I could cry.