There’s a new trailer for Zen’s Star Wars Pinball: Return of the Jedi.

That speeder bike mode looks brilliant. I love what they have done with the series. I cannot wait to get my hands on it. The last three tables were so good too. At first I thought only the Empire Strikes Back table was a quality table. But as I kept playing them, they all ended up being really well done projects. I am looking forward to the next round and the trailer above does not seem to represent a lapse in greatness from the Zen and Star Wars pairing.


Hi guys Hope you’re well. We’ve got a behind-the-scenes on Star Wars Pinball, and the monumental effort that goes into creating just one table, which I thought might be of interest.

Some of the key points: – A Zen Studios vice-president confirms that the next three tables will be out early next year, with a final one later in 2014 that promises to be very “special”. – Peter Grafl, who designed the Episode V and VI tables, says if given carte blanche he would make a Jedi Academy pinball table next, or one of the Uncharted video game series. – It takes eight months to design one table for the game – Grafl also acts as the motion capture actor for models on his tables, meaning that he shares an unusual honour with David Prowse in having played Darth Vader’s body, but not his voice. – By a bizarre coincidence, Zen Studios initially began working with LucasArts, and then Marvel before it, just before each was acquired by Disney. Check it out, and feel free to link. Cheers!



Very special? Episode VII special?

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