Co-Host, Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh, welcomes you to the fifth annual A to Z Challenge!

Apollo 11 - 1969

The Apollo 11 moon landing on July 20, 1969 was one of the most monumental points in our history. Man had finally made the journey and set foot on another surface. “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” And yes, I remember seeing it happen on television. (Anyone else want to admit that?)


1969 fun facts –
*Cost of average house - $15,500. / UK - 4,640. pounds sterling
*Woodstock took place on a New York farm from August 15-17
*The first ATM in the USA was introduced
*The Airplanet was created, predecessor of the Internet
*Monty Python’s Flying Circus debuts
*The Beatles give their last public performance
*The NFL turned fifty


Movies released –
True Grit
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
Easy Rider


Music released –
Beatles – Yellow Submarine


Why is 1969 special?

Because Old Kitty was born that year and in the same month men walked on the moon!

Kitty is the most positive and energetic soul you will find online. She always has a cheery word and is usually responsible for my first laugh of the day. She posts at Ten Lives and Second Chances, featuring photos of her two cats, Charlie and Gumtree.


Ninja News

Thanks for the prayers and words of support last week. Always scary when it’s your parents, but looks like everything will be fine. Missed you guys and I’m glad to be back.


Challenging Destiny by Cherie Colyer is now available on Kindle and to celebrate, Cherie’s throwing a party and giving away fun prizes! See her blog for details. Find Challenging Destiny at Amazon US and Amazon UK.


Hold Still by Lisa Regan is now available!


Krista McLaughlin’s Breathless is available today! Buy it HERE

The IWSG Site is also participating in the Challenge, and we invite members to share their Challenge posts on the Facebook page. (And don’t forget we post on Wednesday.)


And for those into hard rock, Chevelle's latest, La Gargola, releases today.
Been listening to it on iTunes Radio for the last week, and it's amazing!

Movie Review

Muppets Most Wanted
Even more fun than the last one, the film puts the gang on the road in Europe and part of a international heist. It pokes fun at itself and other pop culture references. There’s an incredible cast of cameos and stars, including Tom Hiddleston, James McAvoy, and Ray Liotta. If you grew up with The Muppet Show, you’ll find a lot to enjoy.

What do you remember from 1969? Have you met Old Kitty? Excited about the new books? Seen the new Muppet movie? And are you ready to rock the A to Z Challenge?