Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring – 2001


The three-movie saga launched with Fellowship, and the world fell in love with epic fantasy again. Director Jackson brought the story to life, creating a trilogy that was even better than the books. Nominated for ten, it won three Oscars and paved the way for the two remaining installments.

2001 fun facts –
*Cost of new house - $136,150.
*Cost of a gallon of gas - $1.46
*The Leaning Tower of Pisa reopened after eleven years of repairs
*Wikipedia went live
*Apple released the iPod
*The MIR is decommissioned and re-enters the atmosphere, landing in the Pacific
*Microsoft released the Xbox


Movies released – 
The Fast and the Furious
Ocean’s Eleven
Donnie Darko
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
The Others


Music released –
Static X – Machine
Tenacious D

Games released –
Baldur’s Gate II: Throne of Bhaal
Serious Sam: The First Encounter

And why is 2001 special?
It’s the year David Walston got married, on August 11. (Because all his friends had run off married and he was lonely.) It was also when Carrie-Anne was in her senior year of university and having a great time on the social scene.


David is a certified geek and Dr. Who fanatic. Married with one son, he hails from Texas. Or perhaps outer space? Either way, if you are missing your Tardis, David probably has it. He’s a funny guy and an awesome friend. Find David at Blah Blah Blah Yackity Smackity.


Carrie-Anne is a writer and focuses on epic historical fiction. She is well-versed in Russian history, font styles, and historical names. She claims she was born in the wrong decade and enjoys classic rock, books, and films. She’s one sharp young lady and you’ll learn a lot from her! Carrie-Anne blogs at Welcome to My Magick Theatre


Last Days on Mars Movie Review

It’s the end of the first mission to Mars, and the crew’s discovery of bacteria leads to infected, zombie-like people and many deaths.
This is your typical people-stranded-on-a-planet story and an average science fiction film at best. It’s not terrible, but might not be worth ninety-plus minutes of your life.
Live Schreiber is the star and does a good job with what little he’s given. The special effects are also quite good.
Available on NetFlix if you’re bored…

A to Z Challenge Insanity

How is everyone holding up? I know a lot who aren’t participating this month have gone into hiding or are working on the next book. (Good idea.) But for the rest of us – are you having fun?

I apologize again if I don’t get to all of my blogger buddies on a given day. I’m trying to return comments from new people and visit new followers, plus visit my section of the list. But I appreciate all you who stop by here and hope you are still enjoying the retro theme. The Ninja is trying to keep up!

Big fan of LOTR? (Ever spent a Saturday watching all three extended editions?) Following David and Carrie-Anne? See Last Days on Mars? Having a good time with the Challenge? And what do you remember about 2001…?