Today kicks off my blog tour for CassaStorm! Still intrigued by snarky cats? Then find out what cats are asking me about CassaStorm at The Non Review. TS buddy, you rock! (We're live now!)
Movie Review

The third movie in the series finds Riddick struggling to survive after being left for dead on a barren planet and dealing with bounty hunters and mercenaries.
This story is more like the original Pitch Black and returns to familiar territory. Riddick is just as resourceful and brutal, and there are some good fights with both man and beast. It has a much slower pace than either of the first two movies as well.
Unfortunately, it lacked in two areas. Part of the story felt contrived, forcing Riddick into a situation just so a scene could take place and occasionally missing a few steps of logic. The other problem was a lack of memorable or sympathetic characters. (Which is what made the first one work so well.) Outside of Riddick, no one had any depth.
Actually, the one with the most character was Riddick’s alien dog. (The scene with the pistachios is great.)
However, for two hours of mindless fun, it did deliver, and it was pretty much what I expected. If you dig Riddick or Diesel, go and enjoy and leave your brain at the door. Otherwise, just wait for the DVD or NetFlix.

Ninja News
Today over at the A to Z Blog, I’ve interviewed the lovely Elise Fallson for the monthly Challenge Participant Feature. Her theme rocked so be sure to check out her thoughts on ‘ologies.’
Those of you who enjoyed Milo James Fowler’s book, Immaterial Evidence, can now read the novelette prequel, "Girl of Great Price". The Malfeasance Occasional: Girl Trouble will be out September 24th courtesy of St. Martin's Press, and you can pre-order it now from both Amazon and Barnes and Noble.
Don’t forget the Norse Gods Blogfest with Siv Maria on October 9 – you can sign up HERE.
Last week to sign up for the CassaStorm announcement blitz next week! Sign up to help me spread the word HERE - you can just sign up or ask one question. And you could win a $25 iTunes card, Cassa mousepad, Cassa mug, and other cool swag!
Comedy Movie Trivia Answers
1 – “When someone asks if you are a god, you say YES!” - Ghostbusters
2 – “You made a woman meow?” – When Harry Met Sally
3 – “What is the matter with you? I thought Mothers were sweet and nice a-a-and patient. I know loan sharks who are more forgiving than you. Your husband ain't dead, lady. He's hiding.” – The Ref
4 – “He’s an angry elf.” - Elf
5 – “Eddie, Eddie, I swear to God, don't start with me or so help me, I will shoot him and dump him in a ___ swamp!” – Midnight Run
6 – “I was in the Virgin Islands once. I met a girl. We ate lobster, drank piña coladas. At sunset, we made love like sea otters. *That* was a pretty good day. Why couldn't I get *that* day over, and over, and over..." – Groundhog Day
The 2013 CheersFest and Nominations!

That’s right! Time to roast a new victim. This year’s hosts are Mark “Madman” Koopmans, Alex “Clone me a” Cavanaugh, Morg “the Borg” Shamy, Stephen “Wormhole” Tremp, and David “Don’t Mess with the” King.
Here are the details:
What: CheersFest 2013. Someone deserving will be roasted like a little, brown coffee bean.
When: December 9, 2013
Who: One person will be roasted via popular vote. This someone is a constant presence, is positive, possesses integrity, is involved in the online community (participating and hosting), is supportive of others and is a major force in the blogging community.
How: Once launched, each host has seven days to review comments and the selections made via their comments and pick one. We then present our selections and the co-hosts vote from that point. The recipient (Roastee) is announced at least two weeks out and folks can join a Linky ahead of their roasting posting.
Here’s what we need from you guys – nominations. Who best fits the criteria above? Who is a positive force, an active participant, always positive, and makes a big difference in the blogging world? Leave your nomination in the comments and next week, the five hosts will pick one person each and then we’ll vote from that point.

Those who remember last year’s first CheersFest know it was a lot of fun.
However, I am really looking forward to being on the opposite side of the roasting this time!
Anyone else see Riddick this weekend? (Or something better?) Get any of the trivia correct? And who would you nominate for the second CheersFest?
Don’t forget to visit The Non Review. Those cats have snark down to a science…