Today I am visiting the lovely Sia McKye! She had some really great questions about CassaStorm, my music, and everything in between. Let me tell you, when Sia emailed me her private thoughts on CassaStorm, it was probably the most awesome thing anyone has ever said about my writing. So be sure to visit Sia!
Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror News!
From JoBlo - another clip from Thor: The Dark World as Jane and Thor meet again. (And she smacks the crap out of him!)
White Fire by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child, an Agent Pendergast story, comes out November 12!
From Blastr - Guillermo del Toro wants to make a new film adaptation of Roald Dahl's novel The Witches. Right now the fate of the project rests in Warner Bros. hands.
Wired featured some of the most amazing Lego creations ever built, including this old haunted house:
Looking for the best haunted house for your Halloween scares? Visit Haunt World for the one nearest you. They also list trails and hayrides.
Ninja News
Sean MacLachlan at Civil War Horror is looking for blogging advice as he contemplates the new direction in his writing career and the future of his two blogs.
Candilynn Fite had this bit of news - SCBWI announced the SPARK award for non-traditionally published children's books. You can read the rules HERE.
Thanks to everyone who has purchased and reviewed CassaStorm! I’ll take reviews on Goodreads, Amazon, Barnes and Noble – I’m not picky!
CassaStorm is now on Goodreads’ Best Space Opera list! (CassaStar and CassaFire are #3 and 4.) If you enjoyed it and have time to vote for CassaStorm, I would appreciate it!
Wednesday’s Response
There were some great comments on Wednesday’s post regarding blog content and pageviews. Overall, most of you thought blogging was about community and comments more important than pageviews.
A couple comments that stood out:
From Brandon and Bryan at A Beer for the Shower:
… we had our Amanda Bynes post reach 180,000+ views. Did it increase our regular readers, or increase our book sales, etc? Not in the slightest. It was just a bunch of people who got a quick laugh and left. We don't really care about that, so going viral only counts if those people stick around. If they don't, then it's just empty calories that really aren't even worth bragging about.
From Holly at I Am HR Sinclair:
Blog views are interesting as well as searches, but comments are the only way to really know if what you said of value to anyone. And I think we all want to know we have some to say that someone else liked.
From Keith at Musings of an Unapologetic Dreamer:
Blogging really is about community and friends. It's a family-type relationship in many ways isn't it?
From Julie Dao at Silver Linings:
The best blogs, for me, are the ones with humor and honesty. And those are usually the ones with the highest number of followers and comments!

Horror Movie Taglines Trivia
Guess the movies from these poster taglines:
1 - Ding dong. You're dead. 1986
2 - Trapped in time. Surrounded by evil. Low on gas. 1992
3 - Man is the warmest place to hide. 1992
4 - The good news is your dates are here. The bad news is…they're dead. 1986
5 - The night HE came home. 1978
6 - Herbert West has a very good head on his shoulders...and another one in a dish on his desk. 1985
Are you excited about Thor? Amazed by what people can do with Legos? Little help for CassaStorm? (It would make Mini-Alex happy! He might even make an appearance next week.) Any other thoughts on blogging? Know any of the movies? And who is ready for a hayride…?
Don’t forget to visit Sia McKye!