As if the Irish and America has the monopoly on Samhain.
Despite a South African culture that does not include the religious celebration of All Hallows Eve and all its variations, Halloween is not a foreign event to this country’s inhabitants. With thanks to pop culture’s globalization and the extent to which the information technological revolution has progressed internationally, we are in the know about Halloween.
Since we cant celebrate the commercialized event in its true form, South Africa has altered the most interesting and noteworthy aspects to our context. Instagram and twitter timelines are flooded with snapshots of costumes worn to parties hosted in homes and clubs across the country. What was once an event that evoked emotions of a different and significant sort, has become an opportunity to embrace stigmatized sexiness and levels of fear and pop culture. Super Mario, Catwoman, Avengers, Morticia Adams, Ghosts, Murderers and cult fiction legends are some of the personas donned for Halloween.

This event has a different route mapped out each year in the city of Cape Town. Those with an inclination towards acting like scary corpses drench themselves strategically with mixes of syrup, paint and water to create the illusion of blood and gore, costumes are rented, bought and made to suit the character they wish to portray and a f*ckload of fun is had!
I was feeling the blues of having to finish my postgraduate thesis, and not being able to celebrate Halloween in true form. So I donned my onesie and sneakers, grabbed my camera, and hightailed it to the Cape Town CBD to experience some of the magic for the first time.
I was not disappointed.
Forget princess costumes, angels and sexy witches – more than 3 000 zombies walking towards you is enough Halloween excitement.

I saw some interesting looks. No one was normal.
For amateurs, the make-up work on some of these zombies is wicked.

Zombies give life and take it too.
Creative gender-bending costume
The zombie reached towards me.
He just wanted a selfie.
What lies behind the pretty human facade?
Gory madness I tell you.

Carrie, is that you?

I waited for the Freddie Vs. Jason battle, but only got 1 half of the legendary cult duo.

The stare of death.
Aviator zombie swag.

Forget being a zombie, sometimes cute onesies have all the power.

I know like 10 of my friends who will hate me for this because clowns are their number one fear.
Evil clowns just remind me of Stephen King’s works and Supernatural.

His 3rd eye old-man shpiel just reminds me of an episode of Charmed.
Blurry image but one of the coolest looks at the Zombie walk – Evil Minion carrying a human. I giggled.
Taking it back into Mexican lore these ladies don attire reminiscent of the apparel and make-up used for the celebration of the Day of the Dead.

No one is exempt from Zombie reanimation.
Anyone spot the Resident Evil homage?

C’mon! The Walking Dead reference here was just awesome.
(I do not condone chaining up kids in reality though so…)
Mutated rat and disemboweled humans – Aaaah. Just another day IN WHAT WORLD?
Going retro with Diner waitress zombie swag; Totes fetch!
Probably the sexiest thing to ever happen to the Cape Town Zombie Walk was this lady. Decked out in matte black military apparel and outfitted with one wicked sniper rifle. It’s like Lara Craft entered Resident Evil domain.
Also, isn’t the girl just next to her a dead ringer to the Maggie Green character from The Walking Dead?
The Bad-ass take-down!

Oriental zombies all included in the Zombie deal. 
Being a loved one only gets you so far.
What you gonna do when the munchies strike?
Its all in the eyes.
Well isn’t that just juicy?!
I frikken love Cosplay so I was really into this playing out.
Come along next year on the 01st November.

PS: More pix available on my Facebook page
Filed under: Entertainment, Events, Movies / Series, New Update, Photography Tagged: all hallows eve, cape town, cosplay, cult icons, day of the dead, films, halloween, Horror, pop culture, resident evil, samhain, South Africa, Stephen King, supernatural, the walking dead, zombies