Stacking The Shelves is a weekly meme being hosted by Tynga's Reviews, while Mailbox Monday is being hosted by The Reading Fever this month (see Mailbox Monda y for each month's host). Both memes are all about sharing the books you've added to your shelves - physical and virtual, borrowed and bought. It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a weekly meme hosted by Book Journey, and it's focused on what's in your hands, as opposed to what's on your shelf.
With an eye towards my plans for the next few months, I'm still trying to hold off on adding too much to the TBR pile, but I did pick up a few new titles:
Frontier Earth
by Bruce Boxleitner
Paperback, 336 pages
Published Jan 1, 2001 by Ace
Came across this in a used bookstore and couldn't resist. It's basically Cowboys & Aliens, as written by Captain Sheridan from Babylon 5.
Letters From a Murderer
by John Mathews
Paperback, 212 pages
Expected Publication Sept 24, 2013 by Angry Robot Ltd.
Acquired via NetGalley. The blurb promises that "If Arthur Conan Doyle had been asked to write a sequel to Gangs of New York, then this would be it." Good enough for me.
Halloween: Magic, Mystery, and the Macabre
edited by Paula Guran
Paperback, 360 pages
Published Aug 13, 2013 by Prime Books
Acquired via NetGalley. Looks like a reprint of a collection from a few years ago, but (a) it's Halloween, and (b) it's got a great list of authors, both 'classic' and 'contemporary.'
As for what we're reading, the team has reviews coming up over the next 2 weeks for:
What's topping your shelves this week?