Gifts for the Star Trek Geek
From Vinport - Star Trek Wine
From Pop Sugar - Mr. Potato Head
From Think Geek - Enterprise Pizza Cutter
From Amazon - Obsessed with Star Trek trivia book
From Know Gifts - Star Trek Shower Curtain Set
You are now free to shop the Internet...
Thanks for another awesome IWSG day last week!
Please note I do cull the list and remove those who haven’t posted in two months. However, the list is so big, that even with co-hosts, I miss blogs. (Sorry, I’ve just not found a way to visit all of them yet!) If you are removed from the list, you can rejoin at any time.
There are a lot of people posting who are NOT on the list! Please take a moment to make sure your blog is on the list. You’ll get so much more out of it if people can find you.
I am also in need of co-hosts next year. If you can co-host on January 8, February 5, or March 5, let me know in the comments.
And here’s a little tip on what NOT to do on IWSG day. Don’t click on the Mark all as Read check instead of the Refresh button in Feedly first thing in the morning. Yeah, I did that. Crap! So if I missed any of my blogger buddies (because of course it was THAT folder) I apologize.

Don’t forget the amazing contest going on at the Insecure Writer’s Support Group. Thanks to everyone who has entered and helped spread the word about the website and group. (You know who you are and you rock!)
The awesome Pat Hatt at It’s Rhyme Time hit 1000 posts and is hosting a giveaway – and it’s one hundred dollars! Visit his site for details. Congratulations, Pat!
The amazing Elizabeth S. Craig has another cozy mystery out now - Quilt Trip. It’s third of the Southern Quilting Mysteries and you can find it everywhere retail, including Amazon. Congratulations, Elizabeth!
Heather Gardner at Waiting is the Hardest Part is featuring a Pay it Forward Book List. Many of you have already been suggested, and you can in turn suggest a book. Check it out!
Available today!
Diamonds and Dust by River Fairchild
Book 1 of the Jewels of Chandra series
Magic is real. So is betrayal.
Two heirs. A Kingdom of dust on a troubled world. One might resurrect it. One might destroy it all.
Available at: Amazon US, Amazon UK, Kobo, Barnes and Noble, and iTunes
Find River: Blog, Facebook, Twitter, and Amazon
And I won the Dr. Who caption contest at The Geek Twins!
CheersFest 2.0!
Hosted by Mark “Madman” Koopmans, Alex “Clone me a” Cavanaugh, Morg “the Borg” Shamy, Stephen “Wormhole” Tremp, and David “Don’t Mess with the” King.
CheersFest kicked off last year with the roasting of ME. (It was also known as AlexFest and The Day the Ninja Died. Fortunately, I lived.)
This year, we are celebrating the man of the hour, or rather the alphabet, Arlee Bird (Lee) of Tossing it Out!
In order to proper cheer (or roast) Lee:
Four questions for you to answer - keep the retorts short – (no longer than 20 words each):
Why did Lee come up with the A-Z Challenge?
As a child, he was obsessed with Alphabet Soup.
If someone dreams about being a juggler, what does it mean?
I’m not a professional dream interpreter, but I hope it has nothing to do with balls…
Is a post by Mr. Bird worth two in the bush?
Yes, it’s worth two turtledoves in the bush and a partridge in a pear tree!
Who could play Lee in a documentary? (Living or dead.)
Combine the intensity of Tommy Lee Jones, the quiet composure of Paul Newman, and the juggling skill of Ghandi and you got it!
In +/- 100 words, (excluding the title) write flash fiction using all these prompts:
Bird, Juggler, Challenge, Brown Jacket, Tossing
Through the smoke filled room, Veteran cop Lee saw the juggler sprawled on the ground. Beaten to death by bowling pin. Not a pretty sight.
And now he had to question the suspects - three colorful birds who were part of the act. Reaching into his brown jacket, he pulled out a notepad.
“Why?” said Lee.
The largest bird ruffled his feathers. “He wanted to change the act and I challenged him. Tossing us around like beanbags could kill us.”
“So you killed him first, Sam?”
“That’s right. Toucan play at that game.”

For Bonus Points:
In +/- 40 words, can you come up with a caption for Lee’s Facebook picture?
“If I crinkle my velour jacket just right, it spells out HELP ME.”
As usual, the Very Demanding Rules of CheersFest include:
Join the Linky List *below*
Have fun
Post your 200 (total) word contribution ON Monday, Dec. 9, 2013.
No, seriously. Have Fun!
Two winners – chosen by Lee – will each win a prize:
An autographed color photo of Arlee Bird appearing as the Court Wizard in the World of Fantasy Players. Also included in the first prize pack are an assortment of promotional materials from Lee’s show biz days with a personal letter and a brief history of his entertainment career.
A personalized graphics design from Jeremy at Being Retro for the winner’s blog. (Jeremy will design a header, badge, button, banner, or whatever might appeal to the winner.)
Join the fun below!
See any Star Trek gifts you’d like? Enjoy the IWSG last week? Enter the contest? See any good books? And what fine words would you use to describe this year’s CheersFest roastee, Lee?