Star Wars: Episode VII News: Finished Script Expected In January

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Walt Disney Studio’s Chairman Alan Horn spoke today at Variety‘s Dealmakers Breakfast.

Variety’s Marc Graser Tweeted from the event comments that Mr. Horn gave regarding Episode VII, The spin-off films, and Indiana Jones 5.

Episode VII: 

Disney expects to get script for Star Wars 7 in January. No budget for movie although studio wouldn’t be surprised if it costs $200 million.

— Marc Graser (@marcgraser) December 13, 2013


Disney expects a Star Wars related movie (including spin offs) every year from Lucasfilm. #StarWars

— Marc Graser (@marcgraser) December 13, 2013

Indy 5:

Disney’s Alan Horn on Indiana Jones: “We need a story.” Guesses it will be another two to three years before we see a fifth movie.

— Marc Graser (@marcgraser) December 13, 2013

SOURCE: Twitter @marcgraser