In the legal system it is difficult to build a case with what is called circumstantial evidence. Merriam-Webster‘s defines circumstantial evidence as, “evidence that tends to prove a fact by proving other events or circumstances which afford a basis for a reasonable inference of the occurrence of the fact at issue.”
The following post is pure speculation and inferences are not necessarily reasonable, but heck let’s have a little fun.
Re-watching season five of Star Wars: The Clone Wars I came upon the D-Squad arc featuring Colonel Meebur Gascon and an amnesiatic clone commando named Gregor.
Clone Captain CC-5576-39 “Gregor” in typically heroic fashion for the clones seemingly sacrificed himself to allow D-Squad and Colonel Gascon to escape Abafar, but we never actually see Gregor die in battle. The result of this is that Gregor’s fate is unresolved with the end of The Clone Wars. At the same time he is a clone commando, an elite soldier in the Grand Army of the Republic but the last we saw him he was no longer part of the Army. Interestingly enough that based on Colonel Gascon’s likely mission debriefing Gregor’s status in the Republic’s files likely to be updated and changed to deceased noting his escape from Sarrish and his heroics on Abafar.
What if Gregor never returned to the Grand Army during the Clone Wars? What could his fate have become?
What if Gregor bought a ship and became a smuggler or a legitimate cargo hauler? What if Gregor bought a ship and simply traveled the Outer Rim trying to right wrongs and help where he can?
Grounds for Speculation:
The last we saw Gregor he was on the planet Abafar. While we do not have exact coordinates for it based on the Essential Atlas grid system, we do know that it is in the Outer Rim. Perhaps the fact that Dr. Evazan had a plastic surgery office on Abafar gives us a hint that it may be near Evazan’s eventual landing spot, Tatooine. Tatooine is located at Essential Atlas grid coordinates R-16 in the Arkanis Sector. The Arkanis Sector is also home to the desert planet Geonosis. So Abafar would hardly be out of the ordinary if it was in the Arkanis Sector.
We also don’t know the exact coordinates of Lothal, the primary planet involved in the beginning of the story in Star Wars Rebels.
Color Schemes:

Yellow is a fairly common color in the Star Wars universe. It does however feature rather prominently on Gregor’s armor and also on new starship the Ghost. This is a fairly tenuous link.

I would note that Gregor does have a symbol or medal on his armor, but this doesn’t appear to match up with either symbols on the hull of the Ghost. It doesn’t appear that Gregor has any tattoos or other symbols that correspond to those on the hull of the Ghost.

Military Unit and Battle Events:
During the Clone Wars, Commando Captain Gregor went missing during the Battle of Sarrish. The battle on this Expansion Region planet was first featured in Dark Horse Comics’ 2006 Free Comic Book Day story “Routine Valor” and then subsequently mentioned on The Clone Wars in the episode, “Missing in Action.” Wookieepedia has a comprehensive narrative of the Battle of Sarrish.
The following exchange from the episode illustrates just how rough a battle it was for the Republic troops:
Gregor: “Sarrish? Sarrish… Wait—what was the Battle of Sarrish?”
Gascon: “It was one of the Republic’s most devastating losses.”
Gregor: “Sarrish… Yes. Yes, I remember now. So many soldiers were dying…”
Gascon: “Do—do you remember how you escaped Sarrish?”
Gregor: “No… I just remember seeing all those bodies… bodies everywhere. I knew I had to get help, but… That’s where the memory stops.”
Gascon: “Well, soldier, there’s nothing you can do about that battle now. But you can help us. Our mission depends on it.”
The idea of calling the ship the Ghost may have multiple meanings to the pilot. To someone like Gregor, it could refer to the fact that having lost his closest brothers, his commando squad in the battle and being presumed dead himself he is a bit of a ghost. It could also refer to the fact that he may be haunted psychologically by the ghosts of that battle.

There is one more connection with the name “Ghost” and that is the fact that the military unit that Gregor’s squad was attached to on Sarrish was Obi-Wan’s 212th Attack Battalion. The 212th Attack Battalion was part of Commander Cody’s 7th Sky Corps. Within the 212th Attack Battalion there are a number of squads and companies. One of these companies is Ghost Company, could this group of soldiers have made an important impact on Gregor during the time his commando squad was with the 212th?
In the end this is probably wishful thinking on my part to get more clone commandos on the screen for Star Wars, but it would be pretty interesting idea. Afterall, Gregor already has the perfect spacer’s outfit.
SOURCES:, Wookieepedia