Please welcome the awesome Tara Tyler as she POPS in for a visit!

From Star Trek to Star Wars to CassaStar! Science Fiction has inspired some of the greatest inventions that technology gurus want to make reality (articles one & two). Teleportation is still yearned for, but not quite so far from use as you think! (Nova video)
Alex had a guest a month or two ago who talked about teleportation and cloning. Currently, most physicists believe teleportation will involve destroying particles in one location and duplicating them in another location. That is freaky!
Since I am nowhere close to being a physicist, I approached teleportation from another perspective. My theory is more like Wonka-vision. Collect all the particles and send them via a transmission to be received and put back together in another location. (In the book, I get much more technical) Sounds easy, right?
In my research, I found articles telling why teleportation is impossible, while others give it a slim chance. In science fiction, we just need that slim chance and plausibility. We don't have to prove anything, we just need to make it sound good, giving enough real information to make it believable. I have no idea how television or air travel work, they just do - doesn't science seem like magic anyway?
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. -- Arthur C. Clarke (from Brainy Quotes)
So let's inspire the technology and scientific communities. They can make our dreams come true!
Cooper thought he could get through life without having to pop... |
Pop Travel - a tale of deception and teleportation
When a crazy client enters J.L. Cooper's small town detective agency, babbling about a pop travel cover up, he takes the case. Cooper never liked pop travel and blames it indirectly for his wife's death. He'd love to expose a glitch in it.
But the glitch turns out to be disintegrating travelers. And now, his client is dead, his secretary is missing, and a hitman is stalking him. Plus there's all the webcams watching his every move. So, Cooper has to find a way to expose the deadly flaw, while using pop travel to escape the maniacs covering it up, not to mention save a couple of tag-alongs he's not sure he can trust. No problem.
Pop Travel, techno-thriller
Mark Means at Left and Write is this month’s Challenge participant feature! His theme was obscure comic book superheroes – check it out at the A to Z Blog.
Denise Covey has begun a new permanent monthly bloghop at
Write...Edit...Publish to replace RomanticFridayWriters. Post to a monthly theme in any genre - flash fiction, poetry, non-fiction, drama, art or photography - Adult Fiction, YA or MG. Sign up is now open for August - theme - VACATION. Post on Wednesday 21 - Friday 23 August. So
here for more info and to sign up.
V. Moody at Moody Writing had her very first short story published in Silverthoughs. Congratulations, Moody!
Michelle Gregory is still accepting inspirational writing quotes for her IWSG post.
My last post was accepted by the science fiction site Suvudu! They’d asked me to join the community, expressing interest in one of my posts, and now they have published three of my posts on their front page. If you’d like to pop over and ‘like’ my post, I’d be happy!
The administrators behind the Authors For Oklahoma initiative are extending the deadline to Friday, August 9th, 2013. Make a ten dollar donation to the Red Cross and you get to choose from the books being offered. Check it out.
Ella just had an article and photo published in GreenCraft magazine. Congratulations, Ella! Most creative person I know.
Heroic Fantasy Quarterly, Issue 17, has just published a story by Charles Gramlich called A Whisper in Ashes. Congratulations, Charles!
The next posting for the Insecure Writer’s Support Group is Wednesday! My awesome co-hosts will be M. Pax, Karen Walker, and Melissa Maygrove.
Movie Review

The Conjuring
Paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren investigate a terrifying presence haunting the Perron family. Based on a true story.
I normally only see movies opening weekend, but after two weeks of great reviews and word of mouth, I decided to check out this film.
It’s effectively creepy and doesn’t rely on special effects. It’s a mixture of haunting and demon possession, and neither are done over the top.
The acting is good and you can feel the fear of the family, along with the genuine concern of the Warrens.
If you enjoy a classic ‘ghost’ story full of jump moments but no gore, then this is your film. (My wife missed at least ten minutes of the movie because her eyes were closed.)
The only downside is this type of film has been done a lot.
Best part – SPOILER ALERT – it has a happy ending!
I also liked the quote from Ed Warren at the end – “The devil exists. God exists. And for us, as a people, our very destiny hinges on which one we decide to follow.”
Special Announcement!
With the final book set to launch next month, my series needs a big sendoff! And I’m calling on my blogger friends to help me. Because really, without you guys, I wouldn’t have a third book. (I wouldn’t have had a second one, either.) Now it’s time for the storm to break…
Rather than a single day announcement with the same information, this event will be spread out over a week, involve different images and details, and each post will feature a unique interview question.
That’s right – unique! Because everyone who signs up can ask a question in the Linky List below. (Or if you’d rather not or can’t think of one right now, just put your name down.)

And of course, there is a prize! One person who posts that week will receive:
• Cassa Mouse Pad (image pictured)
• Cassa Coffee Mug
• $25 iTunes or Amazon Gift Card
• Cool Cassa Bookmarks and Postcards
To recap:
Sign up and ask your question. (Or just enter your name.)
I’ll answer the question and send you information a week prior to release.
Post about CassaStorm’s release between September 15 and 21.(On your blog, Facebook, Pinterest - whatever!)
On September 23, I announce the winner!
Sign up below!
Have you purchased Pop Travel? Did you follow Mark’s Superhero series last April? Ready to do some reading? Ready for the IWSG? Anyone else see The Conjuring? And can you help me with the release announcement for my last book…?