Author Ann (A.C.) Crispin
recently announced over her Facebook page that she was nearing the end of a long battle with cancer. Cancer takes far to many people far to young and while the loss of a great author is sad the loss of the person that is the author is so much more significant. I don't know Ann personally but I have loved her writing.
Fans may be familiar with her work in the Star Wars and Star Trek franchises or through her own original fiction. Her Star Wars work includes The Han Solo Trilogy as well as a pair of short stories in the "Tales from" series of short story collections.
I could say a lot about Crispin's writing, she gave Star Wars fans a great gift in her crafting of a back story for Han Solo, but I think the strongest praise I can give her is that in crafting the character of Bria Tharen she created a love interest for Han Solo that even rivaled Princess Leia. As readers of The Han Solo Trilogy we all knew Han and Bria could not last, but I didn't want the trilogy to end because I didn't want that flame extinguished.
Thank You Ann.
Please visit A.C. Crispin's website to learn more about her works.