Today I welcome Nigel and Maurice, the awesome brothers who run The Geek Twins!


My brother Maurice and I run the blog, The Geek Twins, where we celebrate sci-fi movies and TV shows. Sci-fi writers have always had a cozy relationship with Hollywood. Their imagination and grand vision have been translated into some fantastic movies. To celebrate them, we present the ten greatest movies based on a sci-fi story.

10. A Clockwork Orange - In a dystopian Britain, a sociopathic youth is subjected to an experiment that makes him physically incapable of violence. Based on the novel of the same name by Anthony Burgess.

9. 1984 - In a dystopian Britain, one man tries to deft the government that monitors and controls all aspects of life. Based on the novel of the same name by George Orwell.


8. Children of Men - In a near future where mankind has become infertile, a man must escort the last pregnant woman to safety. Based on the novel of the same name by PD James.

7. Planet of the Apes - When astronauts crash land on another planet, they find simians are dominant and humans treated like beasts. Based on the novel of the same name by Pierre Boulle.


6. Soylent Green - In an overpopulated future, a cop uncovers a horrifying secret about the popular food, Soylent Green. Loosely based on the novel Make Room! Make Room! By Harry Harrison.

5. Solaris - A spaceship crew orbiting around a mysterious planet finds their dreams coming to life. Based on the novel of the same name by Stanislaw Lem.


4. The Thing - An Antarctic crew is overrun with paranoia when a shape-shifting alien invades their camp. Based on the novella, Who Goes There? By John W. Campbell Jr.


3. Jurassic Park - When a theme park full of genetically engineered dinosaurs goes wrong, the first visitors must escape with their lives. Based on the novel of the same name by Michael Crichton.

2. 2001 - A mission from Earth to investigate a mysterious black monolith becomes threatened by the ship's computer. Based on the novel by Arthur C. Clarke.


1. Blade Runner - In a broken-down city of the future, a cop hunts down robots passing as humans. Based on Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick.


Maurice Mitchell and Nigel Mitchell are The Geek Twins, lovers of all things geek. Nigel Mitchell is an author of several scifi novels, including Flying Saucers and Dead Links. Find his book here on Amazon.

What movie based on a science fiction story or book would you call the greatest? Ready to joust? Ready to win some stuff? Ready to watch me have an Epic Ninja Meltdown next week…?