So Top Tens Tuesdays is run by The Broke and the Bookish
This week is Top Ten Books I October 22: Top Ten Character Names I Love or Top Ten Unusual Character Names
Elder from the Across the Universe by Beth Revis- Elder is not a name I love. Not at all. But it is VERY unusual. And I loved reading Across the Universe.
Reneseme from Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer- This is also not a name I particularly like. I loved all of the books but once I got to the part where Bella had to decide what to name the kid…I don’t think she should’ve been the one deciding..
Eureka from Teardrop by Lauren Kate-I’ve been waiting for forever for this darn book to come out. And then a couple weeks ago I forgot about it. Now it isn’t on the top of my to-get-list. It’s a shame, Eureka is a name that I love and it’s equally unusual.
Inigo Montoya from The Princess Bride- I love, love, love, Inigo! Now this may be cheating but..I haven’t read the book. I’ve only seen the movie. But if it helps, I’ve watched that movie thousands of times! The Princess Bride is one of my favorites. To help even more, here’s a picture of the front of my laptop 

Elliot North from For Darkness Shows the Stars by Diana Peterfreund- So I haven’t read this book *tear*. But I’ve heard sooo much about it! And it has been sitting on my to-read-list since forever. I think Elliot North is a pretty rad name. Although I don’t like the fact that it’s a girls name. I think it would be even cooler on a guy!
Skye and Asher from A Beautiful Dark by Jocelyn Davies- I’m ecstatic to say that A Beautiful Dark was a very good book. One of my favorites. It’s better than Hush, Hush and that is saying something. Angel books are what I live for! And Skye is such a pretty name. To top that, Asher is a very masculine name. Fit for Skye, I would say.
Lilac LaRoux from These Broken Stars by Amie Kauafman & Meagan Spooner- I just got done reading These Broken Stars a couple days ago and after seeing Lilac’s last name “LaRoux” I was instantly jealous! That is such an awesome last name! And the book was amazing, too.
Evangeline “Evie” Greene and Jack Deveaux from Poison Princess by Kresley Cole- I haven’t read this book either. But like For Darkness Shows the Stars, it has been sitting on my to-read-shelf. Evangeline is such a beautiful name, how it’s said and how it’s spelled…it’s awesome, her last name is also anything but bad. Greene is pretty darn cool, like Winter or something with nature. And with that is Jack’s last name “Deveaux”. I love it! I can’t stop saying it out loud!! So these two fantastic names put together take the prize! #1