Waiting On Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we’re eagerly anticipating.
ZOMG!!!! I just discovered that Sarah Prineas has another book due in stores in December! I loved Winterling, and I have Summerkin on my wish list. I just added Moonkind to the list, so it looks like I have some awesome MG novels to look forward to at the end of the year.

Moonkind, the sweeping conclusion to Sarah Prineas’s fantasy adventure series that started with Winterling, follows Fer, the Lady of the Summerlands, as she attempts to inspire change in the face of great danger and resistance.
Fer, the Lady of the Summerlands, has made a critical mistake. In a world where oath-binding magic runs deep, the consequences of a broken promise can be nothing short of dire. But Fer has not broken her promise-she’s remained true to her vow to rule with honesty and without the disguise of a glamorie. Yet as a young leader, she’s naively trusted others to honor such an oath, too-one that many are unwilling and unable to keep.
With the cost of countless broken oaths weighing heavily on the land, the realm has begun to change. A stillness is creeping in, bringing a silent death to the place that Fer holds so dear. Only Fer has the power to fight it, but she may have to rely on the help of the one boy whose very nature is to deceive her.
Sarah Prineas, the award-winning author of the Magic Thief books, shines in this mesmerizing series conclusion. Praised by Kirkus Reviews for her lush and sensuous prose, Sarah once again takes readers on a breathtaking journey to a land of wildling transformations, magical poultices, shape-shifting troublemakers, and enduring friendships that cannot be broken.
What are you waiting on?