Nathan Fillion as Indiana Jones

Nathan Fillion as Indiana Jones from Geek

News broke at the end of last week that Disney had acquired Indiana Jones franchise rights from Paramount.

Under the arrangement, Disney gains distribution and marketing rights to future films, in addition to retaining the ownership rights it secured when it acquired Lucasfilm.

Paramount will continue to be responsible for distribution of the first four films in the franchise and will receive a financial participation on any future films that are produced and released.

Disney also had to buy the rights from Paramount to market and release The Avengers and Iron Man 3, which earned Paramount a considerable sum in return.

This is what happens when one big company acquires another (such as Marvel or Lucasfilm) that already has deals in place.

The question now becomes, what do you mean future Indiana Jones films? There’s no official announcement, and no script, although star Harrison Ford has “expressed interest”. The Hollywood Reporter speculates, given Ford’s age, this could mean a reboot. They suggest Nathan Fillion as the star, which I would totally support. Regardless, the expectation is that Disney will find some way to make another movie, to continue gaining return on their investment.

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