The following is purely speculation, but I’d call it informed speculation based on what has been announced regarding the production schedule and location for Star Wars: Episode VII.
Disney’s new live action film Cinderella, starring Lilly James, Richard Madden, Cate Blanchett, and Helena Bonham Carter and directed by Kenneth Branagh just began principally photography at Pinewood Studios in England. Principally photography began on September 23rd and the films scheduled release date is March 13, 2015.
Why would Cinderella‘s production be relevant to Episode VII?
Previously it has been reported that Episode VII should begin filming in early 2014. Producer Bryan Burk told Collider, “We’re progressing on a schedule to hopefully begin next year, or the beginning of next year, and the location is still kind of floating around in the air all depending on script and a whole bunch of other issues.”
This follows up J.J. Abrams comments in June that he would be moving his family to England at the end of 2013 to prepare for shooting Episode VII.
It also sounds like casting is in high gear as Abrams is trying to get everything lined up for shooting to begin in early 2014. Also it is interesting to note that Star Wars Rebels Executive Producer and Star Wars: Episode VII creative consultant Simon Kinberg is also a producer on Cinderella.
We know that The Avengers: Age of Ultron will be shooting at another Pinewood Studios facility, Shepperton Studios. Principal photography is set to begin on The Avengers sequel in February 2014. With Star Wars: Episode VII being announced as a Summer 2015 release and The Avengers: Age of Ultron being announced as a May 2015 release, it looks like these two films are on similar production timelines.
Back to Cinderella, that film is using the largest of Pinewood Studios’ indoor stages (the 007 Stage) as well as back lot, presumably the North Lot which is behind the 007 stage. There are a number of stages at Pinewood that Disney could be using for Star Wars, but it would make sense that the biggest stage would be used to accommodate the production. If Star Wars is going to use the 007 stage then based on a reasonable production schedule on Cinderella, we could see filming start on Episode VII as soon as Cinderella wraps and those sets can be taken out and the Star Wars ones can be built on the stage.
Principal photography timelines can vary and Cinderella will film at other locations in England besides Pinewood Studios, so the exact date they will vacate the 007 stage is not known. An example of director Kenneth Branagh’s production schedule from a recent film is Marvel Studios’ Thor. For Thor principal photography began on January 11, 2010 and wrapped on May 6, 2010.
If Cinderella shoots for 3-5 months at Pinewood, then a January or February begin date for principal photography on Star Wars Episode VII would make a lot of sense.
SOURCES: Disney, Variety, Collider, i09, Pinewood Group.