Hi Star Wars fans out there! My name is Courtney Martin, and I’m looking to bring something new to the Star Wars fan experience.
Ever wonder about those far-out foods mentioned in the Star Wars universe? For example, what do tomo-spice ribenes taste like? How about some nutrient paste or nerf steak? Each week I’ll be creating recipes for the ultimate Star Wars fans to try at home! These recipes will feature foods and drinks from the entire Star Wars canon, from the movies to the Expanded Universe books. I’ll list the food/drink and where to find it in either the film or book. These recipes will be my own creations, not in any way “official” by the Star Wars crew (i.e. Disney and/or Lucasfilm). Be sure to try some of these recipes at home- give yourself the full emersion into Star Wars!
If you have any requests, just let me know in the Comments section. List the food name, and if possible the place it’s from (book title, page number, or film).
So here we go: let’s start with an easy one. In one of the first scenes in the expanded universe novel Heir to the Empire, by Timothy Zahn, features Luke Skywalker sipping on hot chocolate while gazing out on Coruscant. Myself being a hot chocolate aficionado, this was an obvious starting point. And don’t think we’re using the powdered drink mix, this stuff is grade-A, from scratch.
Luke’s Hot Chocolate
Yields 2-3 servings
2 ½ cups milk (whole milk is best for a richer taste, but 2% works fine)
1/2 cup high-quality milk chocolate chips (Ghirardelli is best). The more chocolate you add, the more decadent the drink will be.
1 tsp. vanilla extract
For the Heir to the Empire recipe, use ¼ tsp. mint extract as well.
Other additions would include a dash of cinnamon (my fav), or some marshmallow fluff added at the end.
Heat the milk in a medium saucepan over medium heat until just before boiling (small bubbles will appear around the outer edges of the milk). Add the chocolate chips. Whisk constantly until chocolate is melted and dissolved into the milk. Turn off the heat, stir in the mint extract. Pour into mugs and serve immediately.