It’s time for another group posting of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group! Time to release our fears to the world – or offer encouragement to those who are feeling neurotic. If you’d like to join us, click on the tab above and sign up. We post the first Wednesday of every month. I encourage everyone to visit at least a dozen new blogs and leave a comment. Your words might be the encouragement someone needs.
My awesome co-hosts today are Nancy Thompson, Mark Koopmans, and Heather Gardner! Please be sure to thank them for their time and effort to make all IWSG members feel welcome.
This month I am finishing final edits on CassaStorm. I’ve already seen a few of the reviews for my third book. (He shoots – he scores!) My tour is set and my publisher notified me of some major promotions they will be doing for its release.
My insecurity right now has to do with how well this last book will do and where the other two are right now. Sales have slowed this year for CassaStar and CassaFire. Which I can’t complain about, because when they were at the top of the charts, they were moving big time. But I’m concerned that slower sales now for the first two will hurt CassaStorm.
Like most writers, I think I improved, and the third one is the best of the trilogy. I think with a younger character like Byron’s son it will have an even wider appeal. But will enough people find it? It could be my last book – I’d really like to send it out with a bang.
Anyone else looking at the final book in their series the same way?
Visit others on the IWSG LIST!
Julie Flanders signed a publishing contract for her second novel, The Ghosts of Aquinnah. Congratulations, Julie!
LG at Bards and Prophets posted about the Content Idea Generator. So if you need a cool idea for a blog post, check it out!
Talli Roland has a short story in the anthology Sunlounger, organized by Belinda Jones. Congratulations, Talli!
Lynn Rush revealed her secret identity – she’s Reese Monroe! And her agent, Nicole Resciniti of The Seymour Agency, helped her acquire a three book deal! She signed a deal with Entangled Publishing for her Bound by Hades trilogy. Congratulations, Lynn!
Looking for MG/YA.NA reviewers? S.A. Larsen compiled a huge list, and if you know of more, please let her know and she’ll add them.
Jessica Bell has a music video!!! We finally get to see her sing and jam one of her songs from String Bridge.
Lisa Regan’s book, Finding Claire Fletcher, is a Finalist in the 2013 eFestival of Words Best of the Independent eBook Awards in TWO categories - Best Novel and Best Heroine! She needs votes to win though – see her site for details. Very awesome, Lisa!
Sarah’s Book Reviews is giving away copies of all of C. Lee McKenkie’s books! Go HERE, HERE, and HERE for your chance to win.

Wednesday Movie Quote
Name your favorite. Today’s genre – water movies!
I have to go with The Abyss:
“So, raise your hand if you thought that was a Russian water tentacle.”
Next week – Free-For-All! Come at me with your most favorite movie quote ever.
CassaStorm News and Trailer!
First the news – my publisher is doing another giveaway on Goodreads. Open to the USA, Canada. AND Mexico!
And now, the trailer! (Like you didn’t scroll down to see it first anyway, right?)
Short and to the point – I like it! I knew they weren’t doing a long, involved trailer this time. But this one is really cool and a great way to finish the series. (If you can’t see it here, watch it on You Tube.)
Whoa – post overload!!!!
What’s your insecurity today? Ready to play with the Idea Generator? Know some good reviewers for the list? Entering any of the contests? And what did you think of the trailer?
Have a great Fourth of July my American friends! I’ll be enjoying a BBQ and Despicable Me 2…