by Kathy F.


Note: Some spoilers for two Season 1 episodes.

I have a confession to make. Although I grew up watching Doctor Who and consider myself a fan, until the last two weeks, I had not watched much of the "further adventures" of everyone's favorite timelord. Sure, I kept up on the actors and saw bits here and there, but I couldn't bring myself to watch the episodes.

from ThinkGeek

They say you never forget your first Doctor. It's on a t-shirt, so it must be true. Mine was Jon Pertwee. I saw some of the other two previous Doctors during my Dad's weekly monopolization of the TV on Sunday morning, but didn't pay much attention. For a long time, the show was the background of whatever art project, She-Ra adventure, or book I might have been into at the time. Eventually, though, I came around. I might remember Pertwee fondly, but I loved every minute spent watching Tom Baker's scarf-bedecked time traveler. Along with Sarah Jane, K-9, Romana, I was hooked, even if I would never admit it to Dad. In fact, I remember being downright pissed when Baker's Doctor was regenerated. That one took some explaining. Eventually, I came around, although I might have harbored some misbegotten ill will towards his replacement.

Fast forward (quite) a few years, and we now have a new, shiny Doctor Who. However, it is 2005, when I was fed up with TV and largely stopped watching most series. Dad told me that he was really liking the new Doctor and Rose, but I still wasn't convinced. It took a few more years and a Netflix streaming subscription before I braved the Who-verse again. However, by now, Dad was gone and watching a show that brought up so many memories of him was too painful.
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