by Sara N.
Today is National Book Lover's Day! It's a day just for us, you guys!

Of course, I suspect that for most Stellar Four folks — both readers and writers — every day is book lover's day. But that's OK. Let's celebrate anyway.
Here are some proposed activities:
Read a book instead of doing something you should be doing. Let the dishes sit in the sink while you finish your chapter. Don't spend your lunch hour returning emails; take out your Kindle and give that some attention instead. Skip running all of those exhausting errands after work so you can hurry home to pick up your novel. The dishes, the emails, the errands ... they'll all keep. You've got a book to read.
Give some love to a favorite book. Write a glowing review on Amazon or Goodreads. Recommend it to a friend who's looking for something to read. Post about its brilliance on your preferred social media outlet. Get the word out.
Support a book Kickstarter. Here's one to consider: Clockwork Universe: Steampunk vs. Aliens Anthology is already funded, but with one week left, you can still get in on some of the goodies and stretch goals, from a personal thanks in the book to signed paperbacks of the authors' other works and more. The anthology, about how invading aliens react to a Steampunk civilization, features original stories from Stellar Four favorite Seanan McGuire and my own favorite Scott Lynch, along with Bradley Beaulieu, Caitlin Kittredge, Gini Koch, Gail Z. Martin and Ian Tregellis. It will be edited by Patricia Bray and Joshua Palmatier, and the project will also jumpstart a new small press, Zombies Need Brains LLC, which will focus on publishing quality sci fi/fantasy anthologies. Well worth your dollars, no?
This promotional bookmark could be all yours. |
Spend some time with your personal library. Brush your hands lovingly along the spines. Pull out a handful and linger over the cover art. Reread the best bits of one of your favorites and get reacquainted with your old friends between the covers.
Drop some cash. Isn't it time you bought yourself a book? It's been a long week. Shouldn't you reward yourself? I think you deserve a new adventure to devour and new characters to fall in love with. (The frugal version of this: Get yourself to the library and pick up one of their finest new releases. You won't be sorry.)
So how will you celebrate National Book Lover's Day?