There are many amazing things in life, none more amazing than love. I have been married for a little over four years now. I was a Star Wars fan long before I met my wife and long before I was married I spent countless hours flying through the galaxy far, far away.
The thing about marriage is that it is both the most challenging and rewarding thing that I have ever experienced. You bring into it your different experiences, attitudes, prejudices and desires and if you do it right you open yourself up to someone in a way that makes you both the most vulnerable and the most safe you will ever be.
My wife has allowed me to share my love of Star Wars with her. She has accompanied me up to L.A. for Star Wars at the Egyptian, she has bought me some amazing Star Wars gifts, she has curled up on the couch countless times to watch the films or The Clone Wars, and she has sat next to me for many hours as I type away at the computer.
She doesn’t always understand the depth of my attraction to Star Wars (truth be told she was more of a Star Trek fan growing up), but she has always given me the time to indulge my passion. She has also always been my biggest fan, sometimes reading what I write and often listening to our podcast.
Next year she will be coming to Star Wars Celebration Anaheim with me, this is an experience I am so excited to share with her.
If you are lucky enough to find someone to love and someone who loves you back, grab hold of that and don’t let go. If they turn out to understand your love of Star Wars then the Force must be with you.
Star Wars didn’t bring my wife and I together, but her embracing of my passion for it has made our relationship stronger. Oh and along the way she fell in love with Ahsoka Tano, so we know she has good taste.
For being my co-pilot in this great adventure and for so much more, I love you dear.