Thanks for tuning into Episode #1 of Rebels Report: A Star Wars Rebels Podcast! The official news and review show of Lightsaber Rattling hosted by Andy and Pete. This Episode we talk with Tricia and Johnamarie and break down all the exciting news from The Might of the Empire panel hosted by Pablo Hidalgo at New York Comic Con! Plot points, clone troopers, new vehicles, The Inquisitor, who is the mysterious Kallus, what is the ship The Wolf, explore what role Rex could play in Rebels in this Episode’s Character Focus, and much more!

Johnamarie, Ashley Eckstein (Ahsoka Tano) and Tricia Barr.
Tricia Barr:
Twitter: @fangirlcantina
Tricia writes for Star Wars Insider, Suvudu.com and her blog can be found at Fangirlblog. She is a frequent podcast guest and a powerful voice in fandom.
Johnamarie Macias:
Twitter: @BlueJaigEyes
Johnamarie is a hardcore Clone Wars fan and runs the website The Wookiee Gunner and contributes to MakingStarwars.net. She recorded the NYCC Rebels panel which provided your hosts with a chance to see and hear the panel from our hidden rebel bases.
Episode Character Focus: Captain Rex
We discuss the fate of Captain Rex and whether he could appear on Star Wars Rebels.
Incoming Transmission:
Our breaking news segment where we discuss the rumor from MakingStarWars.net that John Williams will be composing the main theme for Star Wars Rebels.
Where to find us:
iTunes:Rebels Report
Podbean: RebelsReport.podbean.com
Website: RebelsReport.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/RebelsReport/
Twitter: @RebelsReport
Until next time, remember the Empire is listening…