Star Wars Spin-off Rumor: Potential Subjects and Working Titles

movie news, rumors, suvudu

The German fansite Star Wars Union posted an interesting rumor today. As with all Star Wars rumors take a healthy dose of salt with it.

According to Star Wars Union there source was at recent Hasbro training event/presentation and included was an outline of the major events in the Star Wars Franchise over the next few years. That source reiterated the planned release schedule that has been publicly announced by Disney going forward, with a saga film every two years starting in 2015 and the Spin-off films in the off-year between. What this source added was the subject or placeholder titles for the spin-off films.

  • Fall 2014: Rebels
  • 2015: Episode VII
  • 2016: Boba Fett
  • 2017: Episode VIII
  • 2018: Solo
  • 2019: Episode IX
  • 2020: Red Five

We have long heard rumblings that Boba Fett and Han Solo could be the subjects of spin-off fims, the “Red Five” idea is one that we haven’t really heard before.

There are a number of ways they could go with a Boba Fett film.

  • Young Boba Fett: From The Clone Wars until he puts on his famous armor.
  • Invasion of Kamino: Boba Fett hired to lead an attack on Kamino to seize any remaining clones and remove Kaminoans ability to clone, removing a potential threat to Sidious.
  • Bounty Hunter Fett: Showing how Fett climbs the ranks of the Bounty Hunters
  • Escape from the Pitt: An older Fett escape the Sarlacc Pit.
  • Embracing Mandalore: Fett learning more about his Mandalorian legacy. Could fit in multiple time periods.

Whichever route they take I think that Fett should be treated like Judge Dredd in that he keeps his helmet on the entire film. This also would fit with much of the Expanded Universe portrayal of how the character presents himself in public.

The “Solo” film presents just as many interesting possibilities. But to me the most likely is a Han Solo origin story. The key elements to me would be Han starting as an Imperial either new officer or cadet, the rescue of Chewbacca, and then the turn to the galactic fringes. This would involve a new actor playing the young Han, or perhaps even two new actors depending on how far back they go with the back story in the film. I could even see two films with a young Han Solo, the first being his origin story plus an early adventure with Chewie in the Corporate sector as they try to get of the Imperial radar. The second could be the winning of the Falcon and big time smuggling for Jabba the Hut, culminating in dumping that load of spice.

The “Red Five” film is interesting. I doubt we see a young Luke as an X-Wing pilot film. I think it is more likely that they could tell a story of an unknown pilot who joins Red Squadron and is assigned the call sign and is trying to live up to the spot that Luke Skywalker made famous.


SOURCE: Star Wars Union via Club Jade